Eid Qurban Volunteer Signup

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Volunteer Opportunity: Eid Qurban Event Crew

May 23rd, 2023

We’re seeking volunteers to join us at the Brian Coyle Center on Sunday, June 16th between 2 and 9 PM to lend a hand during our 2nd annual Eid Qurban celebration! From decorating the space and warmly greeting guests, to serving food and helping with clean up, there’s a role for everyone! You can even choose the time frame that works best for you. Please contact our volunteer coordinator of you have any questions.

About Eid Qurban

Eid Qurban, or Eid Al Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice) is one of the two main holidays celebrated in Islam. Eid Qurban honors the prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismael in obedience to Allah’s command. Just as Ibrahim is about to go through with the sacrifice, Allah sends a ram to be sacrificed instead of Ismael. To this day, Eid Qurban is observed all over the world with the sacrifice of livestock such as a goat, sheep, or cow. The meat of the animal is split into 3 equal portions. One reserved for the individual who performed the sacrifice, one for their friends and family, and one to be donated to the poor. Each year, many Masjids and Muslim charity organizations raise money so that qurbani can be shared with community members in need.

Each year, Eid Qurban is held on the final day of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, when Muslims who are able to do so travel to Mecca (located in Saudi Arabia), where the Ka’bah, Islam’s most important shrine, is located. The Ka’bah is more than 5,000 years old, and is believed to have been built by Ibrahim and Ismael. Muslims engage in communal prayer, donate to charities, and gather with family and friends to exchange gifts.

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