Flash Flooding in Afghanistan Kills at Least 240, Says UNICEF
Published on Friday, May 31st, 2024
Written by Hussain Ali Haidari

Heavy seasonal rains have set off flash floods across Afghanistan, killing more than 240 people and destroying thousands of homes, according to UNICEF. Baghlan, Ghor, Faryab and Daikundi are among the provinces that suffered the most damage. Following these floods, several health and educational centers have also been destroyed. On Tuesday, May 21, UNICEF, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund said in a report that 240 people, including 51 children, have lost their lives due to floods in different provinces of Afghanistan. According to this report, hundreds of others have been injured. UNICEF said in its report that most of the flood victims are from Baghlan, a province in northern Afghanistan.
According to reports, about three thousand families have been displaced in eight districts of this province. This institution stated that it has cooperated with thousands of families in this province in offering healthcare and basic goods, in addition to offering cash assistance to the families most affected by the flooding. According to the UNICEF report, about 3 thousand people received about 312 dollars to meet their basic needs. In a part of this report, it is stated that 900 people have received from psychotherapy services. At the same time, public sources in Ghor province say that Madhesh floods in Ghor have left extensive casualties and financial losses. According to public statistics, nearly 10,000 residential houses were destroyed, about 3,000 shops were destroyed, and dozens of bridges and culverts were completely destroyed. Nearly 80% of agricultural lands in the region have been destroyed.
The roads between most of the districts of this province have been severely damaged. The residents of this province say that their access to health services and education has been limited due to floods making roads impassable. Despite the fact that a number of organizations are reporting on providing assistance to the flood victims, there are criticisms that the situation is not being managed by the Taliban effectively. A number of residents of Faryab province, where at least 66 people have been killed, complain about the flood and the loss of their local pharmacist, say that despite the passage of several days since the flood, no attention has been paid by government institutions and aid organizations to take care of the victims.
They say that the flooding in the last month has caused significant financial and human losses in the districts of Kohistan, Garzivan, Belcheragh, Pashtankot, Khaja Sabzeposh, Shirin Tagab and Daulatabad of Faryab province. Flooding in these districts has destroyed hectares of land and gardens, houses, bridges and culverts. Residents of these districts say that they are not able to rebuild the destroyed home and infrastructure without the cooperation of government institutions and helpers. Meanwhile, a number of neighboring and regional countries, including Iran and Türkiye, have sent aid packages to Afghanistan. Although these packages are distributed to the flood victims, the amount of financial losses of these floods has been reported to be very high, and continued material support and financial investment will be needed for communities in the region to recover.