
612 361 7111

Family Resource Connectors

Family Resource Connectors support new arrivals by connecting them to social and economic services and opportunities, helping them adjust to life in a new country.

Upon intake, team members assess the complex social, professional, economic, legal, educational and medical goals on the individual and family level. Resource Connectors conduct regular check-ins with clients and offer support as they work towards a clients overall well-being.

Resource Connectors can help apply for state and county benefits and other external social support services, teach system navigation skills,and provide legal referrals. (We cannot provide legal counsel.) Afghan Cultural Society is a member of the Metro Refugee Resettlement Network along with KOM, YMCA, Voices in the Wilderness, and African Immigrants Community Services. Together, these organizations provide wraparound resettlement services to immigrants from a variety of backgrounds.

Family Resource Connectors also work with our Education Mentors to help youth and families navigate the education system or sign up for tutoring.