
To advocate for and empower our communities through a range of services, including assisting them in improving their mental and social health, promoting economic self-sufficiency, and creating a space for cultural well-being. Afghan Cultural Society’s unique strength is its ability to reach, communicate with, and empower newly arriving refugees and established immigrant communities. ACS multi-lingual and multi-ethnic staff deploy into the ethnic communities they both live in and serve.


To provide the local Afghan community with a welcoming space where they can participate in
their cultural heritage through events, art exhibits, lectures and classes; find support and access resources they need for their families to thrive; and challenge western narratives about
Afghanistan through advocacy and education.


The aims of the organization are:

  • To be an Advocacy Referral Center for Community Needs.
  • Preserving and sharing our cultural heritage from one generation to the next.
  • To provide education taught in multiple mediums such as events, lectures,
    presentations, and classes.
  • Promoting art and cultural exhibitions.
  • Providing educational support and research assistance to students k-12, and college ready.
  • To assist in transferring educational credentials from Afghanistan to the US.
  • To provide Interpretation and Translation services.
  • Sharing Mental health resources with community members.
  • Engaging community youth. 
  • Assisting with medical/dental appointments and insurance navigation support.
  • Assistance in navigation in social services and educational systems.
  • Provide cultural familiarity to ease pain.